To analyse the opening title sequence of a movie, I have chosen the Return of the Pink Panther as my subject of choice. This particular opening title sequence starts with a pink panther appearing in the midst of bright pink stage lights. The pink panther then produces a pink cane and a pink top hat and starts a grand charade and performance including provocative and flamboyant dancing. The names of the people involved in the film appear in extravagant lights, not dissimilar from what you might find at a well-hyped Broadway show, further creating the atmosphere of the pink panther, that he is a spectacular, show-offy, arrogant, cool character. The pink panther then gets involved in a chase with a dim-witted detective, leading him on an amusing cat-and-mouse pursuit.
This sequence fits into the film as it shows the character of the pink panther. The pink panther in the title sequence is an actual panther (animal) whereas the one in the movie is a diamond. But the pink panther in the title sequence is like that of the diamond thief in the movie, that he is showy with his work and that he leads the detective on a false trail. He is also a very smooth character. It also shows the main storyline in a brief yet thoroughly entertaining way that makes the audience get involved at an early stage and sets the mood for the movie.
It appealed to me because I find the title sequence very amusing and it is fun to watch and therefore fun to study. I also like the way it relates to the movie and even if it were to be seen on its own I think that it still tells a good story. The way it tells the story of the mischievous pink panther out-witting the daft detective is very humorous.
Good start: you have clearly described the opening sequence, how it fits into the film and why it appeals to you. Now aim to finish B and start C next lesson. In B, explain how some film techniques create a mood and also set the film within a genre. Then choose four techniques to focus on more closely, and check my blog for questions to answer for each one. Keep going and pick up the pace!